Unleash the potent power of protection with our Black Onyx Bracelet. Absorbing negative energies, it alleviates worries and tensions, repels negativity, and organizes thoughts.
This wide leather bracelet is adorned with Eliphas Levi's portrait of the goat-headed deity and subject of the Knights Templar's downfall, crafted in detailed elegance from pewter.
The eyes and ears and dark companion of Odin, the majestic raven, wings outstretched, glides alongside its adopted squire offering infinite protection and guidance. A black leather bracelet with a...
German for 'raven's skull'; the great black bird is famous for it's prophetic powers, being Odin's messengers and capable of foretelling death. A conspiracy of ravens will always be seen...
Listen to the whispering mind of the angel. Alistair Crowley's incorporeal intelligence and dictator of his transcribed and ultra-complex, sacred text, 'The Book of the Law.' Wide black leather wrist...