Dark practices from the mists of antiquity, whereby a witch could cast a malevolent spell upon their intended subject, perhaps to scorn a blackguard of a former lover, by sticking...
The black demon heart of a gothic seductress, nocturnally enticing her prey with ravishing enchantment. This gothic cuff for the left ear features bat wings curled around your ear, with...
Designed and sculpted by James Suret Art Made from sturdy Stainless Steel with a cubic zirconia gem stone, so you’ll have no worries about discoloration. These Succubus hoops won’t leave...
Gothic love; virtue and corruption, ecstasy and torment, the angel meets the demon and hearts collide. Two black pewter earrings of symmetrically opposite winged hearts on surgical steel ear-wires. Approximate...
Indulge in the romantic elegance of the Affaire Du Coeur Earrings. These earrings feature deep blue heart-shaped jewels, encased in intricate silver scrolling. The flanking skulls betray a dark and...
Love, is sinful, naughty and oh, so much fun!
Approximate Dimensions: Width 0.71" x Height 1.57" x Depth 0.63""
Materials: Fine English Pewter, Enamel, Surgical Steel Ear Post
Handmade by Pandora Witch Shop located in Ukraine
A vibrant pink anatomical heart candle perfect for ritual and spellwork involving matters of the heart
Beeswax 90% wax 10%