Renowned worldwide for her breathtakingly beautiful fantasy artwork, Anne Stokes delights fans yet again with this gorgeous tarot deck. This exquisitely crafted deck offers a compelling gothic twist on the...
This Fairy Dust Spell Amulet contains a powerful blend of rose quartz, amethyst, rose petals, blue cornflowers, and fairy dust glitter, each chosen for their mystical properties. It is accompanied...
A whispering fairy familiar, your constant friend and benevolent guide ensuring your safety and success in all ventures. This polished, antiqued pewter ear-wrap of a fairy whispering into your ear,...
This moon fairy six inch besom is adorned with jute twine, a silver tone moon fairy charm, and amethyst crystal cabochon. Brooms can be placed near doorways or thresholds to...
The ephemeral delicacy of a garden fairy reflecting the short but sweet life of a black rose. An intricate pewter pendant of a fairy capering around a single black rose,...
This cottagecore six inch besom is adorned with jute twine, green leaf twine, a bronze moon fairy charm, a bronze mushroom charm, and green aventurine crystal cabochon Brooms can be...