By Junji Ito This striking collection presents the most remarkable short works of Junji Ito’s career, featuring an adaptation of Rampo Edogawa’s classic horror story “Human Chair” and fan favorite “The...
This devilish tale includes nearly two dozen of Brom’s immersive paintings and brilliant endpapers Aspiring musician Ruby Tucker has had enough of her small rural town and dysfunctional family. But...
Acclaimed author and artist Brom raised eyebrows and pulse rates with The Child Thief, his grim, brilliantly audacious, gorgeously illustrated reimagining of the Peter Pan legend. So what does this...
By Hirokatsu Kihara and Ichiro Nakayama Illustrated by Junji Ito University student Mimi and her boyfriend Naoto encounter one chilling mystery after another. There’s the enigmatic neighbor woman dressed in...
Introducing the sephira rose hoop earrings. The stainless steel hoop earrings measure approx. 40mm – making them the perfect statement pieces. Please note: Although a great effort is made to...
An ever-increasing malice. A mind-numbing terror. The seeds of horror are sown in this collection of Junji Ito's earliest works. A vengeful family hides an army deserter for eight years...
By Toby Barlow An ancient race of lycanthropes has survived to the present day, and its numbers are growing. Bent on dominance, rival factions are initiating the down-and-out of L.A....
By Cadwell Turnbull One October morning, Laina gets the news that her brother was shot and killed by Boston cops. But what looks like a case of police brutality soon...
By Junji Ito A new collection of delightfully macabre tales from a master of horror manga. An old wooden mansion that turns on its inhabitants. A dissection class with a...