By Junji Ito A best-of story selection by the master of horror manga. This volume includes nine of Junji Ito’s best short stories, as selected by the author himself and presented...
By Junji Ito Four people intent on killing themselves meet through the suicide website Black Paradox: Maruso, a nurse who despairs about the future; Taburo, a man who is tortured by...
By Neil Gaiman First published in 1997, Neil Gaiman’s darkly hypnotic first novel, Neverwhere, heralded the arrival of a major talent and became a touchstone of urban fantasy. It is...
By Mary Shelley The epic battle between man and monster reaches its greatest pitch in the famous story of Frankenstein. In trying to create life, the young student Victor Frankenstein unleashes...
By Bram Stoker Jonathan Harker is traveling to Castle Dracula to see the Transylvanian noble Count Dracula. He is begged by locals not to go, because on the eve of...
One hundred years ago in Port Arbello a pretty little girl began to scream. And struggle. And die. No one heard. No one saw. Just one man whose guilty heart...
In the traditional folktale of "Sleeping Beauty," the spell cast upon the lovely young princess and everyone in her castle can only be broken by the kiss of a Prince....
By Silvia Moreno-Garcia After receiving a frantic letter from her newlywed cousin, Noemí Taboada heads to High Place, a distant house in the Mexican countryside. Noemí is an unlikely rescuer:...